
10 Nutrition Tips for fat burners & Fitness

we will help you by 20 tips that help you for fat burners as maybe useful to any one suffer from high weights so
this steps we provide to you after reviews from people tried this and found good results by some of this tips , so check carefully below steps as much you can ;

1. Drink water more as you can.

Water is the medium in which most cellular activities take place, including the transport and burning of fat. In addition, drinking plenty of calorie-free water makes you feel full and eat less. Drink at least 1 ounce of water per 2 pounds of bodyweight a day (that’s 100 ounces for a 200-pound person). Keep a 20-ounce water bottle at your desk, fill it five times a day, and you’re set.

2. Reduce starchy carbs.

Consuming too many starchy foods, such as potatoes, rice, pasta and breads (especially at one sitting), provides your body with more than it needs for energy and glycogen stores; anything left over will be stored as fat. “You don’t have to eliminate starchy carbs completely,” says IFBB pro Mike Matarazzo. “But you should really cut back on them when trying to shed body fat.” Limit total starch servings per day to 3-5, where a serving size is one cup of pasta, rice or sliced potatoes.

3. Eat a full, balanced breakfast every day.

“Your body has been starving all night long, and it needs nutrients to rebuild itself,” says Matarazzo. “If you just catch something quick on the run instead of eating a full meal, it negatively impacts your workout, and everything else you do during the day.” Eat sufficient protein (30-40 grams), a complex carbohydrate, like oatmeal, and a piece of fruit to start your day off right.

4. Drink coffee (black) before working out.

“Caffeine causes the body to rely more on fat for fuel during a workout, rather than glucose,” Aceto says. “But the caffeine effect is lessened when you eat a high-carbohydrate meal with it.” Drink 1-2 cups of black coffee within two hours of working out, and emphasize healthy fats and protein if you’re drinking it with a meal or snack. Skip the cream and sugar (which add unwanted calories and fat), and avoid drinking coffee at other times of the day; doing so can desensitize you to the fat-burning effects of caffeine.

5. Eat 5-6 meals a day.

Dieters often decrease the number of daily meals in an attempt to reduce calories—a big no-no. “If you eat six meals a day versus three with the same total calories, you can lose more fat because more meals burn more calories [by increasing thermogenesis, the production of heat, in the body],” says Aceto. Calculate how many calories you want to consume per day (see tip 3), and spread them evenly across 5-6 meals
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6. Eat more healthy fats.

“Healthy fats are totally underutilized by individuals trying to shed body fat,” says Matarazzo. “You have to reduce calories to get rid of body fat, but you don’t want to cut out healthy fats completely.” Fats take longer to break down in your stomach and help control blood-sugar levels, leaving you more satisfied and reducing your cravings. Include avocados, fatty fish, olives, nuts and seeds, and oils such as olive, flaxseed and canola in your diet.

7. Eat cheat foods for flavor.

“If you love a particular food, you shouldn’t prohibit yourself from eating it,” says Vaniman. “Avoid the bad foods that you don’t love or crave. And when you eat cheat foods, eat them for flavor. Don’t eat the whole pizza—have a few slices, savor the flavor and enjoy it. Share the rest.”

8. Use creatine.

Creatine, a potent muscle-builder, may also help you burn fat. The muscle added during creatine use increases your resting metabolic rate, stoking your fat-burning furnace. This is critical during a fat-loss phase, when low calorie intake can compromise your muscle mass and lower your metabolic rate. Begin with a five-day loading phase: 15-20 grams daily, divided into 3-4 equal doses. After that, take 3-5 grams of creatine per day with a meal post-exercise. 

9. Don’t over-rely on fat burners.

Fat burners help reduce body fat, but they won’t counter poor eating habits. If you take the products mentioned in tips 11-13 without exercising or eating well, you’ll be more inclined to pack it on than to lose it. Fat burners are not magic pills -use them along with a solid nutrition and exercise plan.
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10. Increase vegetable consumption.

Vegetables are nutrient-dense, meaning they pack maximum nutrition value with minimal calories, leaving you more full on fewer calories. Consume five servings a day of veggies, whether as a snack, on a sandwich or on the side of a chicken breast. Order your next burger with fresh vegetables instead of french fries & you can check Fat Burner Guide for Healthy Life as will show to you important steps for fat burner and belly fat burner

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